Coweta Family Law Attorneys

The Coweta Family Law Attorneys at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates can help you. When you’re embroiled in a family law case we make it easier. From agreed and highly contested divorce to paternity determinations and Step parent adoptions we’ve done them all. As most of us know a family law case has a great potential to escalate and become some of the most contentious litigation around. The truth is that its understandable given whats a stake. When custody of a child or the end of a relationship is involved the gloves come off. If you’re facing a divorce with minor children read on. Otherwise read through our blog for information that may interest you.

Oklahoma Divorce With Children Process

In Oklahoma there are several types of divorce available. A divorce can either be for cause or based on irreconcilable differences. By in large the vast majority of divorces are based on irreconcilable differences but its up to the party’s. In all cases the case starts with the initial petition. In this document you set out the biographic information related to the party’s. This includes each persons name, date and place of the marriage, children’s names and ages and where they’ve lived prior to the divorce being filed.

The petition also sets out the reason for the divorce and what type of child custody you’re asking for. If there’s a disagreements as to any of the things being asked for the issue is set for a temporary order hearing. At this hearing evidence is presented in support of your petition and testimony is given. A temporary hearing can involve child custody, child support, alimony or any other disputed issues. The important thing to realize about a temporary order is that its temporary. This means that if the decision goes your way or not its not final. If there’s an issues in the temporary order that remains disputed its heard at the final trial.

Where in Oklahoma is The Divorce Filed

To file a divorce in Oklahoma you must be a resident of the State for at least six months. This is a jurisdictional matter and must be satisfied before the case can move forward. Once you’ve established jurisdiction you next decide venue. Venue deals with where in the State the case is heard. Generally this regrades to the County the case is in. For venue to attach you must reside in the County for 30 days prior. Venue is more of an issue of convenience. The convenience pertains to where the witnesses and location for evidence.

Coweta Family Law Attorneys Near You

If you’re facing a family law case we can help you. Our Coweta family law attorneys have handled all types of family law cases all over Oklahoma. From agreed orders to highly contested child custody and more we’ve done them.  Call and get a free and absolutely confidential consultation at 539-302-0303

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

What Is The Process For Adopting a Step-Child in Oklahoma?

If you are considering adopting a step-child in Oklahoma, you’ll find it’s a significant step that involves several legal steps. Step parent adoption is a process filled with both happiness and apprehension as to what to expect. Below is an easy-to-follow outline of what you can expect throughout the adoption process. We’ll cover everything from obtaining consent to finalizing the adoption, specifically focusing on the rules and procedures in Oklahoma. Basics of Step-Child Adoption in Oklahoma Adoption is a legal process where you gain parental rights to… Read More

How Do I Get an Order for Supervised Visitation of My Kids in Oklahoma?

If you are a parent in Oklahoma facing a situation where you believe supervised visitation is needed for the safety and well-being of your children during visits with the other parent, it’s important to understand the legal process involved. Supervised visitation means that another responsible adult is present during the visiting times to watch and ensure the children’s safety. Understanding Supervised Visitation Supervised visitation may be necessary under circumstances where there are concerns about the children’s safety or well-being. This can include issues like past abuse, neglect,… Read More

In Oklahoma Can I Modify Child Custody Orders

Yes, in Oklahoma, you can typically modify child custody arrangements under certain circumstances. You might need child custody modifications when there is a significant change in circumstances that affects the child’s best interests. Examples of situations that may warrant a modification include: Must Show a Change Since The Last Order The first test that needs to be met to modify child custody is a change of condition. The change of condition must exist since the entering of the last order. It should also have been a change… Read More

Child Support Attorneys in Tulsa

Our Child Support Attorneys in Tulsa can help you if you owe or are owed child support.  The courts in Oklahoma work to enforce past child support orders. Owing past due child support or child support arrearages is essentially like taking out the worst high-interest loan in existence. Unpaid due child support, under Oklahoma child support law, accrues 10% interest per year. What can start of as an insignificant amount can quickly end up in a dire situation. When Do I Start Paying Support: We advise that at… Read More