How Much Does It Cost To File For Child Custody In Court in Oklahoma

Cost To File For Child Custody

The cost to file for child custody in Oklahoma can vary widely depending on several factors such as the complexity of the case, whether it’s contested or uncontested, the attorneys’ fees, court fees, and any additional expenses related to evaluations, mediation, or expert witnesses. It also depends on if you are going to hire a custody attorney or if you are going to try and do it without a lawyer

Here are some potential costs associated with a child custody case in Oklahoma:

Can I Represent Myself In A Custody Case

You have the right to represent yourself in court for your custody case. If this is what you decide I will assume that you are going to buy the forms and the pleadings required in the case. When you do this the first cost that you have is the actual filing fee. This is the fee that they charge to everyone filing a custody case. In Tulsa the District Court filing fee is $262.00. This is the amount you to the clerk when you file and essentially starts the case on the Judges docket. Other fees are associated with the forms required. The cost of forms is different depending on the forms you need. In a custody case you need the initial petition, the application for temporary orders the child support computation and a few other documents.

Attorney Fees For A Custody Case

The cost to file for child custody is largely dependent on the the time an attorney has to devote to your case. Most attorneys charge by the hour to handle a child custody case. The amount they charge per hour can range from $150.00 per hour on up to $400.00 per hour. The lawyers determine how much they charge per hour and this is usually dependent on their experience doing family law cases.

Normally attorneys charges an up front retainer and they bill at their hourly rate against the retainer. You can think of the retainer as you reserving a specific number of hours of the attorneys time. So, if the lawyer charges a $2500.00 retainer and bills at $200.00 per hour you are reserving 10 hours of time. If the case requires more hours to finish you probably will be a requirement to pay additional attorney fees but this is one a cases by cases basis.

Mediation Fees

Mediation is not a part of every case but if you can’t agree on custody its a method used to avoid a trial if possible. The courts in Oklahoma require that in the event the parents can not agree on custody they must go to a mediation to try and resolve the issues before its set on the trial docket. Both parents and their attorneys attend Mediation. They usually go to the mediators office and hash it out. Its often done with you and your attorney in one room while the other parent and their attorney is in another room. The mediator will shuttle between the two rooms working with the parties attempting to hammer out a deal. The mediator charges by the hour and this is split between the parents. I tell clients to budget a couple of hundred dollars towards the process.

Child Custody Trials in Oklahoma

If after all efforts to settle your case fail including mediation you might have to have a trial. Although the vast majority of child custody cases don’t require a trial, its still possible. The cost of a trial depends largely on how complex the issues are in your case. If your case requires you to call expert witnesses, you must prepare for that cost. Depending on the expert required you can plan of spending a couple hundred an hour for their testimony. Some trial may require Guardian ad litem or parent coordinators this is also and additional cost.

Check Out Or Tulsa Family Law Blog For Useful Information

Child Custody Attorneys Fighting For You

In Oklahoma the cost to file for child custody or divorce is generally an estimate that depends on your particular case. It’s essential to discuss potential costs with your attorney upfront and to prepare for the financial implications of pursuing a child custody case. For a Free Consultation with a Child Custody attorney at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates call us at 539.302.0303.