Creek County Family Lawyers

Divorce vs. Legal Separation

The Creek County Family Lawyers at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates help people work through their family law problems. For over twenty years our attorneys have handled all types of family law cases. When you face a family problem that involves child custody or divorce you need solid legal representation. A family law case can be the most contentious type of case. Its ripe for explosive behavior at any time by any of the party’s to the case. In this kind of case you need a steady hand that has the experience listening to your side of the story. Its not enough to simply meet your lawyer at court and hope for the best. What you need is a plan and a solid legal strategy to see it out. This article is about guardianship cases. If that you read on. Otherwise look through our blog for something that deals with your case.

Creek County Guardianship Law

There are several different kinds of guardianship cases in Creek County. They can be either child guardianship, adult guardianship’s and everything inCreek County Family Lawyers between. The important thing to realize about guardianship is that most of them must be approved by the court. If the party’s agree than that makes it easy. On the other hand if they don’t it takes a hearing in front of the Judge where the court makes the final determination. By far the most common guardianship cases are those involving children. For a child guardianship case if the Guardianship is granted the Guardian is given all of the power of the natural parent. This means that all parental decisions are made by the guardian for the benefit of the child.

How Long Does Guardianship Last

By its design a guardianship in Creek County is temporary. Its intended to last until such time as the condition that caused the need for guardianship no longer exits. In a guardianship over a child the person wishing to terminate the guardianship must file a motion to terminate it. Basically the moving party is asking the court to find that the guardianship is no longer needed. Once again the party’s to the case may agree or it may be contested and require a judicial determination.

Creek County Family Lawyers Near You

Any family law concern in Creek County we can help. When a family problem arises its important that you don’t go it alone. An attorney is your voice. Its what gets your side of the story out to the judge and the other members of your family. Our Creek County Family lawyers handle all cases in Oklahoma. Call and get a totally free and confidential consultation with an attorney

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

How Alimony is Decided in an Oklahoma Divorce

How alimony is decided in an Oklahoma divorce will often depend on many factors. When you go through a divorce in Oklahoma, you might wonder what you will do financially. Commonly referred to as spousal support, alimony is money that one spouse pays to the other after a divorce. Its sole purpose is to help the receiving spouse keep a standard of living similar to what they had during the marriage. This is usually crucial for someone like a stay at home mom. For more information, continue… Read More

Oklahoma Same Sex Divorce

As of the date of this post, Oklahoma same sex marriage is illegal.  The issue has been in the public eye for some time, and a brief history of how we got here is in order. In 1975, Oklahoma passed Okla. Stat., tit. 43, Sec. 3 which defined marriage as being between two members of the opposite sex.  In 1996, the legislature passed Sec. 3.1 which prohibited Oklahoma from recognizing same-sex marriages entered into in other states.  As the issue came to the forefront, in April 2004, the… Read More

How Do I Expunge A Protective Order in Oklahoma

You can expunge a protective order in Oklahoma but the circumstances are important. An expungement and sealing of records is most often used in association with criminal records. The process involves the legal process of sealing a record so that its no longer a public record. As far as protective orders people can be haunted by a filing that may be part of a divorce or child custody case. The protective order may have been filed frivolously or with little to do with anything related to personal… Read More

Relocating Out of State With Children After Tulsa Divorce

Relocating out of State with children after Tulsa divorce is done only through Court order. Notwithstanding this simple rule, divorce is an emotionally rough experience. With the uncertainties of life without a former spouse creating stress and strain. And, the prospect of raising the children in a divided home can put the pressure over the top. Sometimes divorce and child custody disputes make people do things they would otherwise not. Its not to say that the seemingly normal people are bad parents, its just that the divorce… Read More