Communities We Serve

Communities We Serve

We serve communities throughout the State. Our Oklahoma Family law attorneys have the experience that you need and have handled all kinds of family law problems. Our attorneys have experience in all child custody, divorce, paternity, and guardianship cases. If you have a family law question, call 539-302-0303 for a free and confidential consultation with an attorney.

Family Law Attorneys You Can Count On

If you’re in the middle of a family law crises, you know just how difficult it is. There are many steps in this complicated process. You will need an enforceable child custody order put in place, regardless of if you and your child’s parent were married or not. If you are married to the child’s parent, a divorce or separation will be necessary to get an order in place. On the other hand, if you are not married to the other parent, a paternity case will have to be filed. Initial orders for child custody are just one type of the many family law cases we handle. We handle child custody cases to modifications to emergency guardianships and everything in between. We also help people with step parent adoptions and grandparent right cases.

Our family law attorneys have the experience that you need.  We’ve helped thousands of clients and families work through all types of cases. If you’re fighting a family law case, call to get a free and confidential consultation today.

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Explanation of Protective Orders

A restraining order is a court document that prohibits one family member from having any contact whatsoever with another. The purpose of a protective order is to prevent an immediate risk of harm. An example of this is an angry spouse, a jilted lover or any other threatening family member. One important requirement is that the person who is threatening harm you is a family member. A family member also includes those in dating relations and in-laws. Common reasons for the order are alleged  domestic violence, stalking,… Read More

How Do I Register A Foreign Decree Of Divorce Or Custody in Oklahoma?

Registering a foreign decree is an important step if you have a legal decree or judgment issued by another state or country, as you may need to register it in Oklahoma to enforce or modify it. Oklahoma law governs the process of registering a foreign decree, ensuring the decree is recognizable and enforceable within the state. What is a Foreign Decree? A foreign decree refers to a legal judgment or order issued by a court in another jurisdiction, such as: Domesticating a foreign decree allows Oklahoma courts… Read More

Tips On Helping Children Understand Divorce in Oklahoma

Helping Children Understand Divorce is crucial to their happiness going forward. When you face the reality of getting a divorce in Oklahoma, one of your biggest concerns may be how your children will handle the news. Divorce marks a significant change in the family dynamic, and explaining this shift to your children can be challenging. After all, children love both of their parents and the prospect of the family not being together can be daunting to them. It’s important to handle this conversation with care, as it… Read More

New Divorce Requirements for Oklahomans

A recently passed Oklahoma state law will require all couples with children to go through an education program, or “divorce school,” before they are allowed to get a divorce.  The bill signed into law in early June and takes effect in November of 2014. The bill impacts all couples seeking a divorce due to incompatibility with children under the age of 18. For more information call our Divorce attorneys Tulsa at Tulsa Divorce Lawyers and Associates. The aim of the divorce school requirement is to educate parents about… Read More