Communities We Serve

Communities We Serve

We serve communities throughout the State. Our Oklahoma Family law attorneys have the experience that you need and have handled all kinds of family law problems. Our attorneys have experience in all child custody, divorce, paternity, and guardianship cases. If you have a family law question, call 539-302-0303 for a free and confidential consultation with an attorney.

Family Law Attorneys You Can Count On

If you’re in the middle of a family law crises, you know just how difficult it is. There are many steps in this complicated process. You will need an enforceable child custody order put in place, regardless of if you and your child’s parent were married or not. If you are married to the child’s parent, a divorce or separation will be necessary to get an order in place. On the other hand, if you are not married to the other parent, a paternity case will have to be filed. Initial orders for child custody are just one type of the many family law cases we handle. We handle child custody cases to modifications to emergency guardianships and everything in between. We also help people with step parent adoptions and grandparent right cases.

Our family law attorneys have the experience that you need.  We’ve helped thousands of clients and families work through all types of cases. If you’re fighting a family law case, call to get a free and confidential consultation today.

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Step-Children Inheritance and Estate Planning After Divorce in Tulsa

Divorce and remarriage often leads to the existence of step-children.  It is not uncommon for step-parents and step-children to share a strong bond.  Even if the step-parent and the children’s biological parent divorce, sometimes this bond remains intact between step-parent and step-child.  As a result, some step-parents want to include step-children in their estate planning.  Oklahoma law has some special requirements when it comes to including step-children in inheritance. Oklahoma Laws and Step-Children in Inheritance Title 84 includes all the laws about inheritance and succession.  Under §… Read More

Family Emergency Custody in Oklahoma

There are times when a child is in imminent danger because one or both of parents are abusive. This abuse can involve drug use, sexual abuse, physical abuse or any other imminent risk of harm to the child. Oklahoma courts take the welfare of children very seriously. At those times the court must step in to determine in whose custody the child should reside under Oklahoma Emergency Custody rules. If after a hearing the judge determines that harm will come to a child he will order the child removed…. Read More

Can I Appeal an Alimony Award From a Family Court in Tulsa?

When you receive an alimony award from a family court in Oklahoma, you might wonder whether you have options if you’re not satisfied with the decision. Read on to learn about the possibility of appealing an alimony award, what it involves, and the Oklahoma laws that govern an appeal. Understanding Alimony in Oklahoma Alimony, often called spousal support, is money one spouse pays to the other during or after a divorce. Its purpose is to support the spouse who earns less income, allowing them to maintain a… Read More

Which Parent Has Custody If The Parents Are Unwed in Oklahoma

Who gets custody if the parents are unwed is decided by filing a paternity case. In Oklahoma, when parents are unwed and have not established legal paternity or custody through a court order or other legal means, the default legal custody arrangement typically grants sole custody to the mother. The court order must be signed by a District Court judge in the county where the child resides. This means that, without this adjudication of paternity, the mother typically has both physical and legal custody of the child…. Read More