Bixby Family lawyers

Bixby Family lawyers

Our Bixby Family lawyers have the experience you need. Family law is a broad practice area that requires a special set of skills to practice. Unlike other practice areas family law attorneys must be ready to navigate one of the most emotional areas of the law. When a child’s safety is involved or a marriage of many years is unwinding its emotional. Its not that the cases don’t settle down, its just getting to that point. Our attorneys have broad experience dealing with all aspects of a family law. From agreed divorce to high conflict divorce we do it. From agreed child custody to contested paternity cases we do those too. A topic we’ve dealt with over the years is emergency child custody. If you like read on. Otherwise see our blog for other topics.

Bixby Emergency Child Custody

Emergency child custody in Oklahoma requires the showing of an emergency. On its face this sounds easy. But the law requires certain things and procedures that must be met. The first and most obvious is that the risk of harm to the child must be immediate. Some harm that may result next month is not an emergency. It’s also important that you have personal knowledge of the condition that’s creating the immediate risk of harm.

Emergency Custody Hearing

Gaining emergency custody of the child requires a hearing. The first hearing is where we go to Court and offer testimony to the Judge regarding the emergency. Its the first hearing and it moves fairly quickly. At this hearing the opposing party isn’t offering any counter testimony of their own. After this hearing is the show cause hearing. At the show cause hearing, all the parties can call witnesses and testify themselves.

Bixby Family lawyers Near You

If you’re facing a family law problem we understand how emotional it is. The facts may be clear but they get muddled by the lack of logical conduct of the other party. What you need is a voice of reason to offer your case to the Judge. That voice of reason is us. For nearly two decades our divorce and child custody attorney have helped countless people get through the process. Call today and get a free and 100% confidential consultation 539-302-0303