Asset Division in Divorce

Asset Division in Divorce

Asset division in divorce can be a huge headache for most people. Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process already without bickering over who gets what. In Oklahoma, understanding the legal framework surrounding asset division is crucial for individuals navigating the divorce journey. Here we will aim to provide a comprehensive guide to the division of assets in an Oklahoma divorce. This can hopefully shed light on key principles, common pitfalls, and strategies to ensure a fair distribution. Community Property vs. Equitable Distribution Oklahoma follows the… Read More

The Role of Discovery in Family Law

Waiting Period To Remarry

What is the role of discovery in family law? Divorce and child custody can be a challenging and emotionally charged process. Understanding the legal procedures involved is crucial for a smoother resolution. One essential phase in a divorce or custody case is the discovery process. Below we’ll delve into divorce discovery procedure in Oklahoma, helping shed light on its significance and the key steps in it. What is the Discovery Process? The discovery process in family law including divorce and child custody is to uncover relevant information… Read More

What Are Some of The Requirements For Common Law Marriage in Oklahoma

Dividing Business Assets after Divorce

Before exploring the requirements for common law marriage its important to look at the law itself. First thing to get is that Oklahoma does recognize common law marriages. In a common law marriage, a couple can be considered legally married without obtaining a marriage license or having a formal ceremony. However, it’s important to note that law regarding common law marriage and the requirements for common law marriage are subject to changes. This change comes from both court precedents and the states legislature. Read on for some… Read More

Fathers Rights or Mothers Rights Who Gets Custody Of The Children in Oklahoma

Writ of Assistance

In Oklahoma, the State doesn’t recognize Fathers Rights or Mothers Rights in child custody decisions. The truth is that child custody is a constitutional right that equally protects both mothers and fathers. In Oklahoma, as in many other jurisdictions, the family court system determines child custody arrangements based on the best interests of the child. The court does not automatically favor mothers or fathers, and both parents have equal rights in custody matters. The goal is to ensure that the child has a stable and nurturing environment… Read More

Common Mistakes in Family Law Cases in Oklahoma

Mistakes in Family Law

In Oklahoma, mistakes in family law cases can make a difficult situation more difficult. Family law cases are complicated. This is because they are emotionally charged and often times involve confusing legal concepts. In this kind of legal case It’s critical that you are aware and can prepare to avoid common mistakes people make. Get An Experienced Family Lawyer Near You Its great if you can agree on things in a family law case but be prepared for potential areas of disagreement. One of the biggest mistakes… Read More

How Do I Expunge A Protective Order in Oklahoma

Expunge A Protective Order

You can expunge a protective order in Oklahoma but the circumstances are important. An expungement and sealing of records is most often used in association with criminal records. The process involves the legal process of sealing a record so that its no longer a public record. As far as protective orders people can be haunted by a filing that may be part of a divorce or child custody case. The protective order may have been filed frivolously or with little to do with anything related to personal… Read More

Can I Protect My 401K Retirement In A Divorce in Oklahoma?

Stay At Home Parent

Protecting your 401K retirement In a divorce in Oklahoma is possible. The key to who gets what depends on several important factors. When a couple divorces, any marital property must be divided. Like most states, Oklahoma divides marital property based on the legal doctrine of “equitable distribution” doctrine for property division. This contrasts with the nine states that follow the legal concept of community property, which divides marital property equally between the spouses. Oklahoma’s doctrine of equitable distribution divides marital property equitably, which does not mean it will… Read More

What is Aggravated Domestic Assault and Battery in Oklahoma

Emergency Custody In Tulsa

Aggravated domestic assault and battery in Oklahoma is serious and has big consequences for the entire family. It’s not only a problem for the parties, but exposing the children to the abuse is also harmful. Oklahoma law, including the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act and other criminal statutes address domestic violence in Oklahoma. This includes getting protective orders or other emergency custody orders. Certain aggravating circumstances can result in a charge for a felony-level domestic abuse charge. Domestic Abuse (Violence) In Oklahoma In Oklahoma, domestic violence is… Read More

Protective Orders in Divorce

Protective orders in divorce

Protective Orders and Divorce oftentimes go hand in hand. It is not uncommon that a protective order is put in place at the beginning of a divorce. More often than not, protective orders occur in divorces involving minor children.  While this may not always be fair, the court generally takes a “better safe than sorry” approach.  This is because the intention of protective orders is to protect a person from likely harm.  Many times, harm comes from estranged spouses in the form of stalking, harassment, and sometimes… Read More

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Tulsa?

Common Mistakes During a Divorce

Most of our divorce clients want to know how long does a divorce take in Tulsa. Unfortunately, there is no set length of time to finalize a divorce.  You will have a general idea of the length depending on the type of case you have.  There are three main types:  (1) Uncontested, (2) Uncontested with Minor Children, and (3) Contested with or without children. Types of Divorce in Oklahoma Uncontested The fastest and most efficient types of cases are uncontested.  Generally, in a case like this the… Read More