If you fall behind on child support payments in Oklahoma, it’s essential to take prompt and proactive steps to address the situation and ensure that you fulfill your financial obligations to your child. Falling behind on payments can have legal consequences, including enforcement actions. Some of the enforcement tools available to the other parent or the state itself may even include 6 months in jail. Here are the steps you should consider taking:
- Assess Your Situation: Start by assessing your financial situation to determine the reasons for falling behind on support payments. If you are facing financial hardship, job loss, or other significant changes in your circumstances, document these changes.
- Communicate with the Other Parent: Open and honest communication with the custodial parent (the one receiving child support) is crucial. Inform them about your situation and discuss possible solutions or modifications to the support order. Further, they may be willing to work with you to find a temporary solution.
- Contact the Child Support Services Division: In Oklahoma, child support matters are often handled by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) Child Support Services Division. Contact their office to discuss your situation and explore options for modification or assistance.
- Request a Modification: If your financial circumstances have changed significantly, you can request a modification of the child support order through the court. To do this, you will need to file a formal request with the court, providing evidence of the changes in your income or financial situation.
- Keep Records: Maintain accurate records of all the payments made, even if you are behind. This documentation can be helpful when resolving the issue and ensuring that you are credited for payments made.
- Seek Legal Advice: Consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in family law or child support matters. Thus, an attorney can provide guidance on your specific situation, help you navigate the legal process, and advocate on your behalf in court if necessary.
- Make Payments When Possible: If you can make partial payments, do so. Consistently making some payments, even if they are not the full amount, can demonstrate your commitment to meeting your support obligations.
- Avoid Additional Penalties: It’s crucial to avoid actions that could lead to additional legal consequences, such as ignoring court orders or failing to respond to legal notices.
- Attend Court Hearings: If you receive a notice of a court hearing related to your case, attend the hearing as required. Failing to appear can lead to further legal complications.
Child Support Modification Can Help
Many reasons may account for why a person gets behind on payments. Some reasons can include a loss of employment or a reduction in pay. Further, it’s important to remember that if you qualify, a modification might help you get right again on your payments.
To qualify for modification of your child support there are a few things that you need to show. Remember, the Oklahoma child support guidelines determine the amount of support you pay. If the other parent had a 10% increase in pay or if you’ve have suffered a 10% reduction in pay. Additionally, if you have more overnight visitations or if you now have joint custody this might also reduce your payment.
Call Our Tulsa Support Attorneys For Help
Remember that support is a legal obligation, and the court takes it seriously. Falling behind on child support payments can result in various enforcement actions. This includes wage garnishment, suspension of driver’s licenses, passport restrictions and more. You can even face potential contempt of court charges. Therefore, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. You should seek assistance when needed, and comply with court orders and obligations to support your child. Our Tulsa family lawyers are here for you. We have done thousands of cases with just as many reasons for good people like you who have fallen behind. Contact the Tulsa Divorce Lawyers and Associates for a free consultation by calling us at 539-302-0303 or click here to ask a family law question.