Osage County Family Attorneys

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The Osage County Family Law Attorneys at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates assist with all sorts of family cases across Oklahoma. Confronting a family law issue can be incredibly challenging. Most of these cases are laden with frustration and emotional turmoil. It’s not just about managing conflicts with the other party, but also the potential heartbreak of being separated from your children. While a stable, united household is ideal for raising children, incessant parental disputes can transform your home into a battleground.

If you find yourself in such a predicament, having exhausted all efforts to salvage the relationship, we are here to support you. Our family law attorneys have the experience you need in handling cases of child custody and divorce, boasting nearly two decades of expertise. The most intricate and significant aspect of a divorce or parental separation often revolves around child custody. If you’re initiating a divorce or emergency child custody proceeding and are uncertain about where to file your case, continue reading. Alternatively, our Family Law Blog offers a variety of topics that might catch your interest.

Emergency Custody in Osage County

In Osage County, obtaining emergency custody involves a legal process designed to protect children from immediate harm or danger. The process typically starts with the filing of an emergency custody petition in the Osage County courthouse. That is where the petitioner must present substantial evidence showing that the child is in immediate risk of harm from the other parent. For example, they can show that the child’s current living situation poses a significant threat to their safety or well-being.

The evidence should include affidavits, police reports, medical records, or any witness statements. Once the petition is filed, a judge will review the evidence promptly, and decide whether to grant a temporary emergency custody order. If the court grants the order, the court will schedule a full hearing. Usually within a few weeks both parties can present their cases. The judge will then make a final decision regarding custody after this hearing. As such, it’s crucial for anyone seeking emergency custody to have proper legal representation. They will help to navigate the complexities of the legal system and advocate effectively for the child’s best interests. Thus, this gives you a better chance of the court granting emergency custody to you.

Osage County Family Law Attorneys Near You

If you’re navigating a divorce or a child custody case and require assistance, we’re here to help you. Our Osage County Family Law Attorneys have managed a wide range of cases, from straightforward uncontested divorces to urgent emergency custody issues. Family law cases demand a profound understanding of the legal intricacies involved. Occasionally, they also require a delicate touch that goes beyond legal expertise.

Before we consider taking your case to trial, our attorneys have the skills needed for negotiation. This will often lead to finding amicable solutions that serve the best interests of all involved parties. Contact us today at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates for a confidential and complimentary consultation at 539-302-0303. You can also use our Ask A Lawyer feature to reach us.

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Which Parent Gets Custody In a Military Divorce in Tulsa

Child custody in a military divorce can be complex. In Oklahoma, as in other states, the primary consideration in custody decisions is the best interest of the child. However, the complexities of military life, such as deployments and relocations, can significantly impact custody arrangements. Understanding how these factors are addressed in Oklahoma can help military families navigate this difficult process. Best Interest of the Child Standard First and foremost, Oklahoma courts use the “best interest of the child” standard to determine custody arrangements. This standard considers several… Read More

Do I Have To Pay Child Support While on Social Security?

Having to pay child support doesn’t disappear if you receive Social Security benefits. However, the type of Social Security benefits you receive can significantly affect your obligation and how courts calculate your payments. Understanding how your child support obligation will interact with your social security is key to ensuring compliance with legal requirements and managing your financial responsibilities. This article will dive into the stipulations and limitations of collecting child support while on SSI. Child Support and Types of Social Security Income Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is… Read More

Explanation of Protective Orders

A restraining order is a court document that prohibits one family member from having any contact whatsoever with another. The purpose of a protective order is to prevent an immediate risk of harm. An example of this is an angry spouse, a jilted lover or any other threatening family member. One important requirement is that the person who is threatening harm you is a family member. A family member also includes those in dating relations and in-laws. Common reasons for the order are alleged  domestic violence, stalking,… Read More

Dividing Debts in Tulsa Divorce

Division of Marital Property and Debts: Dividing Debts in Tulsa Divorce is a complex legal issue. The Oklahoma law regarding property and debt division in a divorce requires the court to make an equitable division of all marital property, including debts.  Anything acquired during the course of the marriage is subject to division, including medical debts.  This equitable or fair division, is not the same as a 50/50 split.  Should the case go to trial, the court will consider the asset allocation and the parties ability to pay.  In… Read More