Okmulgee Family Lawyers

The Okmulgee Family Lawyers at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates help people resolve family law issues. If you live in OkmulgeeOkmulgee family lawyers County and have a family law case its going to be filed in Okmulgee County District Court. Our attorneys have been involved in countless family law cases over the past twenty years. From simple agreed divorce on to complex disputed child custody and estate planning cases we’ve done them all. If you have a relationship where you or someone else is claiming common law marriage read on. Otherwise check out our family law blog for topics that may interest you.

Common Law Marriage in Okmulgee County

Oklahoma is one of the few states in the country that recognizes common law marriage. It’s well settled in Oklahoma that the state recognizes common law marriage. Common law marriage grows out of the basic facts that surround the relationship. Unlike a traditional marriage which focuses on the ceremony as evidence of the marriage common law marriage looks to the circumstances involved. Over the years what constitutes a common law marriage has evolved with different factors tending to prove the existence of the common law marriage. Early on in the process the Courts looked to how long the couple lived together or if they’ve shared checking accounts. In more recent times this has evolved.

Factors That Okmulgee Courts Use to Determine Common Law Marriage

  • What was the actual intent of the couple? Did they intend to be marry?
  • Is the couple legally capable of being in a marriage?
  • Has the couple held themselves out as married?
  • Did the couple file taxes together?
  • Was the couple living in an exclusive relationship?

Common Law Divorce in Okmulgee

If the courts determine that a common law marriage exists than you need a divorce. It’s simple, if you’re in a marriage either by a ceremony or by the intent to be married, you’ve got to get a divorce. A common law divorce is no different than another other divorce. Your rights and obligations under as a married couple are the same and so is the divorce. If there are children of the marriage you need an order for custody and visitation. If you acquire marital property while you two are married, you have to divide it once you divorce.

Okmulgee Family Lawyers Near You

If you need a family law attorney in Okmulgee call and talk with us. Our experience is broad and deep. For nearly twenty years our family law attorneys have handled all types of family law cases. In this kind of case you need the help of an experienced advocate. Data shows that if you don’t get representation in a family law case you’re likely to get a much less favorable deal. Get a free and absolutely private consultation at  539-302-0303

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Explanation of Temporary Injunction

When a divorce is filed, a temporary injunction is automatically put in place. The temporary injunction intends to keep the status quo and create a fair playing field pending a final divorce. The temporary injunction order prevents both parties from transferring, encumbering, concealing, or in any way disposing of any marital property.  Thus, the only allowable exceptions include acts done in the normal course. Thus, this means that you can continue paying bills and other necessary things in life. Use of funds by the parties is also allowable to pay their legal… Read More

Dividing Business Assets After Divorce in Tulsa

Dividing business assets after a divorce can be a complicated process, both legally and emotionally. Business assets can hold significant financial and sentimental value, and dividing them often requires balancing legal, financial, and emotional considerations. It’s important to understand how business assets are divided in divorce, the factors courts consider, and the steps spouses can take to protect their interests. Are Business Assets Marital Property? The first step in dividing business assets is determining whether the business, and assets, qualify as marital or separate property. In most… Read More

What is Considered Parental Alienation and Does It Impact Child Custody In Oklahoma

Parental alienation in Oklahoma refers to a situation in which one parent intentionally and systematically attempts to manipulate or undermine the child’s relationship with the other parent. This kind of behavior is a clear violation of proper conduct both parents agree upon in a family law case. Some behaviors can involve negative comments, false accusations, or other behaviors that aim to create a rift between the child and the targeted parent. The family law courts in Oklahoma frown on this kind of conduct. The court can punish… Read More

Does Alcohol Impact Child Custody in Tulsa Oklahoma

Alcohol impact child custody decisions when the alcohol use becomes excessive . Child custody decisions in Oklahoma follow the principle of the best interests of the child. This takes into account various factors, such as the well-being of the child, the stability of the home environment, and ability of each parent to meet the child’s needs. Impact Of Alcohol On Child Custody Decisions First and foremost, Oklahoma courts prioritize the best interests of the child when determining custody arrangements. In this context, the standard encompasses several factors,… Read More