Nowata Family Attorneys

Joint Legal Custody While Incarcerated

The Nowata Family Attorneys at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates are well-equipped with the depth of knowledge and expertise in family law that you need during these trying times. Our team is highly experienced in navigating the complexities of a wide range of family law matters. From straightforward divorces to those involving intricate child custody battles, we are here to provide the support and guidance you require.

Understanding the far-reaching consequences of these decisions, we approach each case with the utmost sensitivity and dedication to achieving a resolution that serves the best interests of our clients and their families. If you are currently facing a situation involving child custody, we encourage you to continue reading to learn more about how we can assist you. For other family law topics and insights that might be relevant to your situation, we invite you to explore our Family Law Blog. Our goal is to always be a source of reliable information and support as you navigate through these challenging times.

Child Custody in Legal Separation

In Oklahoma, during a legal separation custody arrangements are determined with the best interests of the child or children in mind. This is very similar to a divorce proceeding, but it not as final. The court considers various factors to establish both physical and legal custody, aiming to maintain stability and continuity in the child’s life. Physical custody dictates where the child will reside. However, legal custody refers to the right to make significant decisions regarding the child’s upbringing. This can include education, healthcare, and religious instruction.

The court may grant many parents joint custody. This allows them to share all responsibilities relating to the children. However, the court can award one parent sole custody, depending on the circumstances. The court’s primary focus is to ensure that the custody arrangement supports the child’s welfare, emotional well-being, and developmental needs during the period of legal separation. It’s important and recommended that you hire an attorney with the proper legal experience to help you through this process.

Nowata Family Attorneys Near You

If you’re facing a custody challenge in Nowata, be certain that our team is here to assist you. Our expertise spans across a variety of scenarios. These include those arising within the context of a legal separation or divorce and anything stemming from a paternity suit. Handling custody disputes in Oklahoma demands a specific skill set. These cases often require a nuanced approach to navigate successfully. There are instances where the resolution may be as straightforward as clarifying the legal standards and expectations.

However, there are also situations that necessitate a more robust response, potentially leading to a trial to safeguard your parental rights and the best interests of your child. Our Nowata Family Attorneys have knowledge in both scenarios and are able to provide the strategic and compassionate representation you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore how we can support you through this complex process. Call us now at 539-302-0303, or use out Ask A Lawyer page.

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Virtual Visitation: Can You Request Remote Custody in Oklahoma?

Virtual visitation has become a valuable tool in modern times for maintaining parent-child relationships, especially in situations where physical options may not is not feasible. For parents in Oklahoma, virtual visitation—often referred to as electronic communication or remote visitation—offers an alternative way to stay connected with their children through video calls, messaging, and other online platforms. What Is Virtual Visitation? Virtual visitation involves the use of technology to facilitate parent-child communication when in-person visits are not possible or practical. Common methods include: Oklahoma courts recognize the importance… Read More

How Long Does It Take to Finalize a Divorce in Tulsa?

Many wonder how long it will take to finalize their divorce. Finalizing a divorce in Oklahoma involves several legal steps, and the time it takes to complete the process varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the level of cooperation between spouses, and whether there are minor children. While its possible to resolve some divorces quickly, others may take months or even years to finalize. Minimum Waiting Period for Divorce in Oklahoma Oklahoma law imposes a minimum waiting period for divorces: In some… Read More

Fathers Rights or Mothers Rights Who Gets Custody Of The Children in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, the State doesn’t recognize Fathers Rights or Mothers Rights in child custody decisions. The truth is that child custody is a constitutional right that equally protects both mothers and fathers. In Oklahoma, as in many other jurisdictions, the family court system determines child custody arrangements based on the best interests of the child. The court does not automatically favor mothers or fathers, and both parents have equal rights in custody matters. The goal is to ensure that the child has a stable and nurturing environment… Read More

How Does Oklahoma Handle Child Support for Self-Employed Parents?

Determining child support for self-employment in Oklahoma can be more complex than for those earning traditional wages. Since self-employed individuals often have variable income, tax deductions, and business expenses, calculating their financial obligations requires a detailed examination of their finances. Oklahoma’s child support guidelines aim to ensure that children receive appropriate financial support, regardless of the parent’s employment type. Oklahoma’s Child Support Guidelines Oklahoma uses the income shares model to calculate child support, which estimates the financial contribution that both parents would have made if they lived… Read More