Miami Family Attorneys

Miami Family Attorneys

Our Miami Family Attorneys are here to assist with your family law as well as child custody needs. Family law will encompass a broad spectrum of issues and complexities. Initially, a family law case might be resolved through an easy, mutually agreed-upon divorce. However, as circumstances change this can expand into a complex child custody modification case. It’s crucial to recognize that, regardless of the current permanent orders, the court can considerably alter them. The bases can be on unknown changing conditions, or circumstances you know and agree with. Whether it’s matters related to alimony, child custody, paternity cases, or beyond, we’re equipped to support you both now and later on. If you’re dealing with a child preference issue in Miami, Oklahoma, continue reading for additional insights. Alternatively, for other family law topics that might pique your interest, we invite you to explore our family law blog.

Child Preference in Miami Oklahoma

In Miami Oklahoma, the concept of child preference in custody cases becomes particularly relevant when the court considers the living arrangements of a child post-divorce or separation. Oklahoma law states the preferences of a child aged 12 or older generally have considerable weight. This is provided that the child can articulate a mature and reasonable justification for their choice. Thus, if a child can state their intentions clearly, the court can use this to restructure the custody agreements.

Despite this, the court’s primary consideration remains the best interests of the child. This means a child’s preference is not the sole factor in custody decisions. To challenge or block a child’s preference, someone could demonstrate that the preferred parent’s living situation is not conducive to the child’s best interests. This can potentially be due to issues related to the parent’s lifestyle, stability, or ability to provide for the child’s physical and emotional needs. Therefore, if you can substantially prove that it’s truly not in the best interests of the child, the court will take this into serious consideration.

Miami Family Attorneys Near You

If you’re encountering a family law issue in Miami Oklahoma, it’s crucial not to face it by yourself. Our Miami Family Attorneys possess the depth of experience necessary to guide you through. Our expertise extends across various aspects of family law, including child custody, modifications to child custody agreements, and matters involving relocation. Navigating such legal waters can be complex and emotionally taxing, but with our knowledgeable team by your side, you can move forward with confidence. We will committo providing personalized and effective legal strategies tailored to your unique situation. To start a conversation about how we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Tulsa Divorce Attorneys and Associates for a complimentary consultation with one of our attorneys at 539-302-0303. You can also contact us through our Ask A Lawyer page. Let us help you find the best path forward in these challenging times.

Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Can An Abusive Spouse Get Custody in Oklahoma

Many people wonder whether their abusive spouse will be able to get custody. Child custody determinations are among the most crucial and sensitive decisions in family law cases. In Oklahoma, the court’s primary consideration in any custody decision is the best interest of the child. When allegations of abuse arise, the court takes these very seriously and considers them carefully when determining custody arrangements. Best Interest of the Child Standard First and foremost, Oklahoma courts use the “best interest of the child” standard to guide custody decisions…. Read More

Child Custody and Child Preference

As previously discussed there are two types of child custody in Oklahoma: legal and physical.  We also previously provided examples and descriptions of how both types of child custody can be joint or sole.  Most paternity or divorce cases involving the determination of child custody in Oklahoma resolves outside of court.  But when the matter of custody becomes contested, the courts do rely on specific statutory and case law. Child Custody and Paternity Actions: The determination of child custody for paternity actions can be fairly simple.  Until such… Read More

Oklahoma Common Law Marriage and Divorce

Oklahoma Common Law Marriage and Divorce can be a complex question faced by many couples in Tulsa. Oklahoma is a state that recognizes common law marriage.  You may be wondering why it is important to know if you are in a common law marriage or not.  Well, if you are in one then you must legally file for a divorce through the courts if you are separating.  This is because no such thing as common law divorce in Tulsa exists.  When it come to the common law… Read More

Where Do I File Divorce in Tulsa

In order to have a court hear an Oklahoma divorce or paternity case, one must establish proper jurisdiction.  This begs the question, where do I file divorce in Tulsa? In family law legal matters, there are two types of jurisdiction.  The first is subject matter jurisdiction.This means whether the court has the authority to hear this type of case. Certain Court have the authority to hear certain types of cases. The second is personal jurisdiction. This looks at whether the court has authority over the parties. When it comes to Oklahoma… Read More