Mediation and Tulsa Divorce

Mediation and Tulsa Divorce go hand in hand. This is because before a trial can go forward the Judge will order both parties to mediation first. No matter how a divorce resolves, the process from start to finish is undoubtedly stressful.  However, there are ways to minimize as Mediation and Tulsa Divorcemuch stress as possible from the equation, and this involves mediation.  Some spouses are able to easily agree to divorce and go their separate ways.  Conversely, others have a much more difficult time getting even the smallest of issues resolved as part of a divorce.  Some divorces are so contentious that the cases ultimately go to trial.  Oftentimes, emotions get in the way of both spouses thinking logically.  Thus, difficulty exists in trying to come up with a resolution in the best interest of both spouses, and any children involved.

Whats The Point of Mediation and Tulsa Divorce:

In Oklahoma, married couples seeking to divorce can use mediation as a way to discuss their differences in a safe, neutral environment.  Mediation as a form of dispute-resolution is often useful in all areas of the law and business.  If you or your spouse file for divorce, you should consider mediation before resolving your issues in the courtroom.  By participating in mediation, you will be able to speak with a mediator who is only there to facilitate communications between both spouses.  The mediator does not pick sides, and he or she cannot make any decisions that a judge can make.  Many people mistakenly believe that mediation is like trial.  However, the mediator is in fact not the decision-maker.

If you already have an agreed upon plan, you might consider an uncontested divorce.

What Can Be Resolved by Mediation in Divorce:

While the mediator does not have decision-making power, his or her ability to help spouses communicate allows the spouses to settle their divorce matters without the need for a judge to make those important decisions.  Mediation not only allows spouses to communicate freely in a safe environment, but it also has other benefits including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Mediation is one hundred percent confidential;
  • Both spouses are in control of the entire process, with the mediator standing by for assistance in facilitating communication when needed;
  • Both spouses can have their attorneys alongside them during mediation for support, however, the attorneys cannot control the mediation process;
  • Many divorcing couples ultimately settle all of their matters after mediation, and do so in a peaceful way; and
  • Mediation costs less than resolving your divorce in court.

Mediation without Face-to-Face Contact

There are some spouses who simply cannot be in the same room together depending on their individual circumstances that led to divorce.  In such cases, mediation can still be completed, but the spouses will not be speaking directly with one another.  Instead, each spouse will speak with the mediator individually.  This way the mediator has a good idea of both spouses’ viewpoints and where the disagreements exist.  Then, the mediator can share this communication with the other spouse.  This provides a way for the spouses to indirectly communicate, and this may allow for the spouses to finally resolve their differences even without having to verbally speak with each other face to face.

As part of the process, Mediation and Tulsa Divorce will help spouses come to an agreement on at least some things.  It is always good to start with what the spouses can agree upon.  By working through what the spouses can agree upon, the mediator is able to focus on those really big issues.  These usually include:  child custody matters, child support and/or spousal support matters, and property distribution, among others.  Because mediation has proven to be successful, it is something you should seriously consider.  This is especially true if you wish to resolve your divorce in the most reasonable and economical way possible.  While your Divorce Attorney cannot be the mediator, he or she will provide you with guidance and ensure that you know exactly what to expect from the process.

Contact a Family Attorney About Mediation and Tulsa Divorce:

If you are considering a divorce in Tulsa we can help. Our divorce attorneys have helped people just like you resolve divorce and child custody with your goals in mind. Call our Tulsa attorneys today for a free family and divorce law consultation.