The need for genetic testing in Paternity cases arises when there is a need to contest or to establish who the father of a child is. It’s important to note that fathers can only bring challenges to paternity, with very limited exceptions, within in the first two years after the child is born. Additionally, genetic testing conducted individually by the parties is not admissible in court. This is because some of those tests may not be accurate. Rather, only Court approved tets will be admissable for Genetic… Read More
Tulsa Family Law Attorney
Oklahoma Same Sex Step Parent Adoptions
Oklahoma Same Sex Step Parent Adoptions are no longer a prohibited method of parentage. With the Supreme Court’s ruling establishing a right to same-sex marriage, laws in all the states including Oklahoma have expanded several rights for LGBT couples. One of these new rights is for same sex step parent adoptions. For years, without the right to marry we haven’t been able to accommodate the adoption needs of children and their same sex parents. Historically, parentage is either a heterosexual couple, or an agreement of a donor. But… Read More
Explanation of Protective Orders
A restraining order is a court document that prohibits one family member from having any contact whatsoever with another. The purpose of a protective order is to prevent an immediate risk of harm. An example of this is an angry spouse, a jilted lover or any other threatening family member. One important requirement is that the person who is threatening harm you is a family member. A family member also includes those in dating relations and in-laws. Common reasons for the order are alleged domestic violence, stalking,… Read More
Family Emergency Custody in Oklahoma
There are times when a child is in imminent danger because one or both of parents are abusive. This abuse can involve drug use, sexual abuse, physical abuse or any other imminent risk of harm to the child. Oklahoma courts take the welfare of children very seriously. At those times the court must step in to determine in whose custody the child should reside under Oklahoma Emergency Custody rules. If after a hearing the judge determines that harm will come to a child he will order the child removed…. Read More
Marital and Separate Property in Divorce
When you are married, some of your property remains separate and some becomes marital property. If you later divorce, an Oklahoma judge will divide this marital property between you and your spouse. This division is known as equitable distribution. Equitable distribution does not mean that each spouse gets an equal share. Rather, equitable distribution means that the distribution must be just and fair. There are ways that you can protect certain property from your spouse in the event of a divorce, such as your family business. However,… Read More
How To Change Your Childs Name in Tulsa
Family and domestic law allows for a parent to change your childs name in Oklahoma at the conclusion of three types of cases. First, a spouse in a divorce may revert back to their previous surname. Second, children subject to a paternity action may have their surname changed to that of the father’s. Third, adopted children may have their complete and full name changed. Other than those three examples, if an individual wishes to have their name changed, they must petition the court. For an adult to change… Read More
Grandparents Rights in Family Law
Grandparents are important members of a family. Speaking from personal experience, they want to be involved in a child’s life almost as much as the parents. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that grandparents are deeply concerned about the interests of their grandchildren. However, the title of the article is a bit of a misnomer. This is because in Oklahoma, grandparents and other 3rd party relatives have virtually no statutory right to visitation. Our Grandparents rights attorneys in Tulsa can help provided certain circumstances exist. When Can I… Read More
Step-Parent Adoption
There are several ways that adoption proceedings in Oklahoma can initiate. The most common we see are when a step-parent wants to adopt a child. Step-parent adoptions in Oklahoma are often rife with procedural complications. An individual wishing to do this kind of adoption should consult with one of our step-parent adoption attorneys Tulsa. This will give you a better understanding of the requirements needed to ensure success. The Process of Step-Parent Adoptions in Oklahoma: The first step is to establish who is going to adopt from who…. Read More