Court standards in guardianship cases help ensure that the guardianship aligns with the best interests of the person in need of protection. Guardianship cases involve the legal appointment of a person or entity to make decisions on behalf of an individual who cannot manage their own affairs, such as a minor child or an incapacitated adult. Understanding the court’s standards in guardianship cases can help petitioners navigate the process and fulfill their responsibilities effectively. Overview of Guardianship Guardianship is a legal relationship established by the court to… Read More
Tulsa Child Support Attorneys
When Do I Modify Child Support and What Is The Process in Oklahoma
Sometimes, a change in circumstances causes a need to modify child support. Child support helps meet a child’s needs following the separation or divorce of their parents. In Oklahoma, child support can be modified when there is a significant change in circumstances that affects the financial situation of either parent or the needs of the child. Understanding when and how to modify child support is essential for both custodial and non-custodial parents. Grounds for Modifying Child Support Common grounds for modification include: In Oklahoma, either parent can… Read More
How Does Divorce Impact Finances And How Does The Court Decide On Support Issues in Oklahoma
Divorce significantly impacts the finances of both parties involved. In Oklahoma, the division of assets, alimony, child support, and other financial considerations are all guided by state laws. Understanding how these factors play a role in divorce can help individuals prepare for the financial changes that come with one. Division of Assets Oklahoma is an equitable distribution state, meaning that the court divides marital property fairly, but not necessarily equally, between the spouses. The court considers several factors to determine a fair distribution, including: Both parties must… Read More
How Do I Calculate Child Support in Tulsa County?
Calculating child support in Tulsa County involves a process that ensures children receive adequate financial support from both parents. The calculation considers various factors, such as the parents’ income, the number of children, and other relevant expenses. Understanding how to calculate child support can help parents anticipate their financial responsibilities and ensure compliance with court orders. Here we will guide you through the process and let you know the options you have. Steps to Calculate Child Support Oklahoma uses the “Income Shares” model to calculate child support…. Read More
Can A Parent Withhold Visitation For Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma
Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma is serious but is not related to visitation and custody. When you’re dealing with child support and child visitation in Oklahoma, it might seem like these two issues are tightly connected. However, under the law, they are treated as separate matters. This means that even if there are issues with one, it shouldn’t directly affect the other. Understanding Child Support in Oklahoma Child support is a payment that one parent makes to the other to help cover the costs associated with raising… Read More
What If I Get Behind on Child Support in Oklahoma
If you fall behind on child support payments in Oklahoma, it’s essential to take prompt and proactive steps to address the situation and ensure that you fulfill your financial obligations to your child. Falling behind on payments can have legal consequences, including enforcement actions. Some of the enforcement tools available to the other parent or the state itself may even include 6 months in jail. Here are the steps you should consider taking: Child Support Modification Can Help Many reasons may account for why a person gets… Read More
Oklahoma Child Support How Much You Pay
When our clients ask how much child support they’ll pay or receive, we respond Oklahoma child support is based on their gross income. Other factors consider who’s paying the health insurance for the children and how many overnights the parents will exercise. This is a simple explanation of how Oklahoma child support works. The truth is the amount of child support relies on the needs of a child. The state of Oklahoma designate the needs of the child. This need is than compared to the combined gross income of both… Read More
Tulsa Divorce and Child Support
Tulsa Divorce and Child Support questions are some of the most complex questions to answer. Last month, August, was Child Support Enforcement Awareness Month. It’s observed nationally in order to express appreciation for those who assist parents in drafting, enforcing, and collecting child support. Its also celebrated as a way to create awareness of the mission of those that work in this area. Child support is a critical aspect of the care of children who suffer through a divorce. Its also critical for those kids whose parents… Read More
Child Support Attorneys in Tulsa
Our Child Support Attorneys in Tulsa can help you if you owe or are owed child support. The courts in Oklahoma work to enforce past child support orders. Owing past due child support or child support arrearages is essentially like taking out the worst high-interest loan in existence. Unpaid due child support, under Oklahoma child support law, accrues 10% interest per year. What can start of as an insignificant amount can quickly end up in a dire situation. When Do I Start Paying Support: We advise that at… Read More