Virtual Visitation: Can You Request Remote Custody in Oklahoma?

Reverse an Adoption in Oklahoma

Virtual visitation has become a valuable tool in modern times for maintaining parent-child relationships, especially in situations where physical options may not is not feasible. For parents in Oklahoma, virtual visitation—often referred to as electronic communication or remote visitation—offers an alternative way to stay connected with their children through video calls, messaging, and other online platforms. What Is Virtual Visitation? Virtual visitation involves the use of technology to facilitate parent-child communication when in-person visits are not possible or practical. Common methods include: Oklahoma courts recognize the importance… Read More

What Happens if the Father Refuses to Acknowledge Paternity in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, refusal to acknowledge paternity can complicate matters. This can include things such as child support, custody, and visitation. However, the law provides mechanisms for determining paternity even when the alleged father is unwilling to cooperate. We’ll explain the legal process for addressing a refusal to acknowledge paternity in Oklahoma, the rights and obligations of the parties involved, and the potential outcomes. Why Is Establishing Paternity Important? Paternity legally identifies a child’s father and establishes the father’s rights and responsibilities. After establishing paternity, the father may… Read More

How Does Oklahoma Handle Child Support for Self-Employed Parents?

Child Support for Self Employment

Determining child support for self-employment in Oklahoma can be more complex than for those earning traditional wages. Since self-employed individuals often have variable income, tax deductions, and business expenses, calculating their financial obligations requires a detailed examination of their finances. Oklahoma’s child support guidelines aim to ensure that children receive appropriate financial support, regardless of the parent’s employment type. Oklahoma’s Child Support Guidelines Oklahoma uses the income shares model to calculate child support, which estimates the financial contribution that both parents would have made if they lived… Read More

Can You Waive Child Support in Oklahoma?

Waive Child Support in Oklahoma

Some parents wonder whether they can waive child support in Oklahoma through an agreement. Child support is a critical legal obligation that works to ensure the financial well-being of a child. In Oklahoma, both parents are responsible for contributing to their child’s needs, regardless of marital status. We’ll discuss the legal framework surrounding child support in Oklahoma, whether it’s waivable, and the implications of such decisions. What Is Child Support? Child support is a court-ordered financial payment from one parent to another to help cover the costs… Read More

Do I Have To Pay Child Support While on Social Security?

Child Support when Parent Remarries

Having to pay child support doesn’t disappear if you receive Social Security benefits. However, the type of Social Security benefits you receive can significantly affect your obligation and how courts calculate your payments. Understanding how your child support obligation will interact with your social security is key to ensuring compliance with legal requirements and managing your financial responsibilities. This article will dive into the stipulations and limitations of collecting child support while on SSI. Child Support and Types of Social Security Income Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is… Read More

What are the Court Standards in Guardianship Cases in Tulsa?

Court Standards in Guardianship

Court standards in guardianship cases help ensure that the guardianship aligns with the best interests of the person in need of protection. Guardianship cases involve the legal appointment of a person or entity to make decisions on behalf of an individual who cannot manage their own affairs, such as a minor child or an incapacitated adult. Understanding the court’s standards in guardianship cases can help petitioners navigate the process and fulfill their responsibilities effectively. Overview of Guardianship Guardianship is a legal relationship established by the court to… Read More

When Do I Modify Child Support and What Is The Process in Oklahoma

Child Support for Self Employment

Sometimes, a change in circumstances causes a need to modify child support. Child support helps meet a child’s needs following the separation or divorce of their parents. In Oklahoma, child support can be modified when there is a significant change in circumstances that affects the financial situation of either parent or the needs of the child. Understanding when and how to modify child support is essential for both custodial and non-custodial parents. Grounds for Modifying Child Support Common grounds for modification include: In Oklahoma, either parent can… Read More

How Does Divorce Impact Finances And How Does The Court Decide On Support Issues in Oklahoma

Filing Bankruptcy After Divorce

Divorce significantly impacts the finances of both parties involved. In Oklahoma, the division of assets, alimony, child support, and other financial considerations are all guided by state laws. Understanding how these factors play a role in divorce can help individuals prepare for the financial changes that come with one. Division of Assets Oklahoma is an equitable distribution state, meaning that the court divides marital property fairly, but not necessarily equally, between the spouses. The court considers several factors to determine a fair distribution, including: Both parties must… Read More

How Do I Calculate Child Support in Tulsa County?

Calculating Child Support

Calculating child support in Tulsa County involves a process that ensures children receive adequate financial support from both parents. The calculation considers various factors, such as the parents’ income, the number of children, and other relevant expenses. Understanding how to calculate child support can help parents anticipate their financial responsibilities and ensure compliance with court orders. Here we will guide you through the process and let you know the options you have. Steps to Calculate Child Support Oklahoma uses the “Income Shares” model to calculate child support…. Read More

Can A Parent Withhold Visitation For Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma

Waive Child Support in Oklahoma

Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma is serious but is not related to visitation and custody. When you’re dealing with child support and child visitation in Oklahoma, it might seem like these two issues are tightly connected. However, under the law, they are treated as separate matters. This means that even if there are issues with one, it shouldn’t directly affect the other. Understanding Child Support in Oklahoma Child support is a payment that one parent makes to the other to help cover the costs associated with raising… Read More