Can I Deny Visitation Because of Overnight Guests?

DHS Individualized Service Plan

If you’re wanting to deny visitation because of overnight guests, the process can be complex but isn’t impossible. Visitation rights ensure that children maintain strong and healthy relationships with both parents, even after a paternity case, divorce or separation. However, disputes often arise when one parent is concerned about the other parent’s behavior during visitation, particularly regarding overnight guests. In Oklahoma, the answer depends on various factors, including the circumstances of the case and best interests of the child. Understanding Visitation Rights in Oklahoma In Oklahoma, the… Read More

Are There Grandparent Rights in Oklahoma?

Grandparents Visitation Rights

In Oklahoma, grandparents have the possibility of getting visitation rights. Although you must meet certain criteria, getting these rights is not impossible nor unheard of. Understanding your legal position can help you make informed decisions about your family relationships and the future. Read on to learn more about grandparent’s visitation rights in Oklahoma and how the laws apply in various circumstances. Understanding Grandparent Visitation Rights In Oklahoma, grandparents may seek visitation rights if they believe it is in the best interest of their grandchildren. The court considers… Read More

Can A Parent Withhold Visitation For Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma

Waive Child Support in Oklahoma

Unpaid Child Support in Oklahoma is serious but is not related to visitation and custody. When you’re dealing with child support and child visitation in Oklahoma, it might seem like these two issues are tightly connected. However, under the law, they are treated as separate matters. This means that even if there are issues with one, it shouldn’t directly affect the other. Understanding Child Support in Oklahoma Child support is a payment that one parent makes to the other to help cover the costs associated with raising… Read More

What Is Standard Visitation In An Oklahoma Custody Case

Standard Visitation

In Oklahoma, standard visitation refers to the typical visitation schedule established by the court when parents cannot agree on custody and visitation for their child. Although Oklahoma presumes that Joint or shared custody is in the best interest of the child its not always possible. There are situations where the parents agree on a standard visitation schedule or where the court determines that its in the child best interest. Oklahoma typically aims to ensure that both parents have regular and meaningful contact with their child. Factors that… Read More