Does Establishing Paternity Automatically Grant Custody in Oklahoma?

Establishing Paternity Granting Custody

Establishing paternity can help with granting custody, but isn’t a guarantee. In Oklahoma, paternity and custody are two separate legal matters. While establishing paternity is necessary for a father to pursue custody or visitation, it does not automatically grant these rights. What Is Paternity in Oklahoma? Paternity establishes the legal father of a child and creates rights and responsibilities, including: In Oklahoma, you can establish paternity through: Establishing paternity does not automatically grant custody rights in Oklahoma. Paternity establishes the legal father-child relationship but does not determine… Read More

Can You Waive Child Support in Oklahoma?

Waive Child Support in Oklahoma

Some parents wonder whether they can waive child support in Oklahoma through an agreement. Child support is a critical legal obligation that works to ensure the financial well-being of a child. In Oklahoma, both parents are responsible for contributing to their child’s needs, regardless of marital status. We’ll discuss the legal framework surrounding child support in Oklahoma, whether it’s waivable, and the implications of such decisions. What Is Child Support? Child support is a court-ordered financial payment from one parent to another to help cover the costs… Read More

What Is Court Ordered Drug Testing for Child Custody In Oklahoma

Drug Testing for Child Custody

In certain situations, courts may order drug testing for child custody issues. In custody cases, the court’s main concern is the best interests of the child, protecting the child’s safety and well-being. When allegations of drug use arise, courts may order drug testing to evaluate a parent’s fitness to care for the child. Understanding how court-ordered drug testing works, when it may be required, and its implications can help parents navigate this part of custody disputes. Why Courts Order Drug Testing in Custody Cases Drug testing is… Read More

Consequences for Adultery And Its Impact On A Divorce in Tulsa Oklahoma

Consequences for Adultery in Divorce

The consequences for adultery in divorce will be based on several factors. Adultery, often defined as voluntary sexual relations between a married person and someone other than their spouse, can have significant consequences in a divorce case. While Oklahoma uses no-fault divorce laws, where neither party has to prove fault, adultery can still impact key aspects of a divorce, including property division, alimony, and child custody. Understanding how the law treats adultery is crucial if it plays a role in your divorce proceedings. How Adultery Impacts Divorce… Read More

What is a Writ of Assistance for Emergency Child Custody in Tulsa?

Writ of Assistance

A writ of assistance is a legal tool that a court can issue to enforce its orders. In the context of emergency child custody cases, this writ plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of a child who may be in imminent danger or in need of immediate protection. Below, we’ll discuss what a writ of assistance is and when it might be useful in emergency child custody situations. Definition and Purpose of a Writ of Assistance A writ of assistance is a court… Read More

Who Gets to Claim Child Tax Credit After a Divorce in Tulsa?

Claiming child tax credit

Who is claiming the Child Tax Credit is one of many questions that can come up during the divorce process. The Child Tax Credit, a tax benefit for parents, can significantly reduce the tax burden of the parent claiming it. Determining which parent is entitled to claim the credit depends on custody arrangements, the tax code, and agreements made during the divorce process. What is the Child Tax Credit? The Child Tax Credit is a federal tax benefit that helps parents offset the costs of raising children…. Read More

How Does a Writ of Habeas Corpus work in Child Custody?

Writ of Habeas Corpus

A Writ of Habeas Corpus, often associated with criminal law, is also a valuable legal tool in child custody cases. It is particularly effective in situations where a parent unlawfully retains custody of a child. In family law, a writ of habeas corpus can enforce custody orders, address disputes, or secure the return of a wrongfully withheld child. What is a Writ of Habeas Corpus? A writ of habeas corpus is Latin for “you shall have the body.” It refers to a court order requiring a person… Read More

Can I Use a Protective Order For Custody And Visitation In Oklahoma

Protective Order For Custody And Visitation

In Oklahoma, using a protective order for custody and visitation is disfavored by the court. When you ask the court for a protective order the initial order is temporary and granted without a hearing. It is based on immediate risk of harm. In the initial stage the Judge may allow you to put the child on the order but this can change. Once the case is set for trial the Judge in the case will probably tell you to remove the child. This doesn’t leave the child… Read More

Who Gets To Live In The Marital Home During Divorce In Tulsa?

Who Gets The Marital Home

During the divorce, Who gets to live in the marital home can be one of the biggest questions when facing a divorce. In Oklahoma, a divorce or legal separation can be challenging to experience, especially when it comes to the household. Understanding your rights in your home is important. Here’s more on the property laws in Oklahoma and how it affects who resides in the home upon divorce. About Equitable Distribution of Marital Home First of all, it’s important to recognize that Oklahoma uses the law of… Read More

Step-Children Inheritance and Estate Planning After Divorce in Tulsa

Step-Children Inheritance

Divorce and remarriage often leads to the existence of step-children.  It is not uncommon for step-parents and step-children to share a strong bond.  Even if the step-parent and the children’s biological parent divorce, sometimes this bond remains intact between step-parent and step-child.  As a result, some step-parents want to include step-children in their estate planning.  Oklahoma law has some special requirements when it comes to including step-children in inheritance. Oklahoma Laws and Step-Children in Inheritance Title 84 includes all the laws about inheritance and succession.  Under §… Read More