Can Your Spouse Force You To Stay Married To Them in Oklahoma

Force You To Stay Married

In Oklahoma, as in all states, your spouse can’t force you to stay married against your will. Oklahoma law supports the right of individuals to seek a divorce if they no longer wish to remain married. If one spouse decides that they want to end the marriage, the other spouse cannot legally prevent them from doing so. Oklahoma is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that either spouse can file for divorce without needing to prove wrongdoing by the other party. Filing for Divorce To initiate the divorce… Read More

In Divorce Is Oklahoma A Community Property State When Dividing Marital Assets

Community Property State

When people discuss whether Oklahoma is a community property state they are asking about dividing marital assets in a divorce. With divorce rates as high as they are how marital property is divided in divorce is important. Even more, the huge increase in Gray divorce in Oklahoma means couples divorcing are dividing lifetimes of marital assets. When marital property is divided States have two different ways of doing it. They divide property by either equitable principles or community property principles. Read on to understand how its done… Read More

Divorce vs. Legal Separation In Oklahoma What’s The Difference

Divorce vs. Legal Separation

Understanding the difference divorce vs. legal separation is the best way to decide how you want to move forward with marital issues you are having. In Oklahoma, legal separation and divorce are two distinct legal processes, each with its own implications and outcomes. Although it may seem obvious that one is permanent while the other is not there are other differences between divorce vs. legal separation that are more nuanced. Legal Separations in Tulsa: Divorce in Tulsa County: Tulsa Divorce and Legal Separation Attorneys Near You In… Read More