When a divorce is filed, a temporary injunction is automatically put in place. The temporary injunction intends to keep the status quo and create a fair playing field pending a final divorce. The temporary injunction order prevents both parties from transferring, encumbering, concealing, or in any way disposing of any marital property. Thus, the only allowable exceptions include acts done in the normal course. Thus, this means that you can continue paying bills and other necessary things in life. Use of funds by the parties is also allowable to pay their legal… Read More
Alimony and Tulsa Divorce
Unlike child support, Oklahoma law doesn’t provide a set calculation to establish alimony and Tulsa divorce and separation matters. Instead, Oklahoma law precedents provide guidelines the judges consider in awarding alimony. Without actually being involved in your case and knowing all the financial information, we can only estimate alimony. However, we can discuss those factors and guidelines which the judge will consider in his decision. Existence of a Demonstrated Need in Alimony and Tulsa Divorce: The party seeking alimony or spousal support must demonstrate to the court… Read More
How To Change Your Childs Name in Tulsa
Family and domestic law allows for a parent to change your childs name in Oklahoma at the conclusion of three types of cases. First, a spouse in a divorce may revert back to their previous surname. Second, children subject to a paternity action may have their surname changed to that of the father’s. Third, adopted children may have their complete and full name changed. Other than those three examples, if an individual wishes to have their name changed, they must petition the court. For an adult to change… Read More
Where Do I File Divorce Tulsa Oklahoma?
In order to have a court hear your Oklahoma divorce or paternity case, you must establish proper jurisdiction. In legal matters, there are two types of jurisdiction. The first subject matter jurisdiction: does the court have the authority to make a ruling regarding the type of case. The second is personal jurisdiction, that is does the court authority over the parties. When it comes to Oklahoma family law matters, any district court will have subject matter jurisdiction. Personal jurisdiction is not that cut and dry. What personal… Read More
Tulsa High Conflict Divorce Attorneys
Oklahoma has become home to the biggest U.S. divorce settlement, and the battle is not over. In November, an Oklahoma Family Law Court ordered Harold Hamm, an Oklahoma oil magnate, pay his ex-wife roughly $1 billion in a divorce settlement. This followed the dissolution of their 26 year marriage. Hamm is the founder of oil drilling company Continental Resources. His ex-wife Sue Ann Arnall is an Oklahoma attorney. Hamm provided Arnall with a check for a whopping $975 million, representing the balance owed to Arnall. She accepted… Read More
Grandparents Rights in Family Law
Grandparents are important members of a family. Speaking from personal experience, they want to be involved in a child’s life almost as much as the parents. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that grandparents are deeply concerned about the interests of their grandchildren. However, the title of the article is a bit of a misnomer. This is because in Oklahoma, grandparents and other 3rd party relatives have virtually no statutory right to visitation. Our Grandparents rights attorneys in Tulsa can help provided certain circumstances exist. When Can I… Read More
Who Gets Your Inheritance in a Tulsa Divorce?
Oklahoma is an equitable division of marital property state regarding inheritance in a Tulsa divorce. This means that any assets acquired during the marriage must equitably divide in a divorce. Parties in a divorce may keep those items that they acquired prior to the marriage. Also they keep those assets they acquired after they physically separated, along with assets acquired through gift and inheritance. However Who gets your inheritance in a Tulsa divorce may be a tricky matter. Certainly inheritance, like a retirement account, is an asset that one can… Read More
Relocating With Your Child After Divorce
In any custody order there is a provision limiting your right of relocating with your child after divorce proceedings. The final order states that either parent cannot relocate beyond 75 miles. Further, the 75 miles measures from where they live at the time the final order enters. However, there are circumstances when moving with your child is permissible. Some of those situations follow in this blog post. If you have a question about relocating with your child after divorce call us today. Do I Need Permission for Relocating… Read More
Oklahoma Child Support How Much You Pay
When our clients ask how much child support they’ll pay or receive, we respond Oklahoma child support is based on their gross income. Other factors consider who’s paying the health insurance for the children and how many overnights the parents will exercise. This is a simple explanation of how Oklahoma child support works. The truth is the amount of child support relies on the needs of a child. The state of Oklahoma designate the needs of the child. This need is than compared to the combined gross income of both… Read More
Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement is nothing more than a contract made prior to marriage. On the other hand a post-nuptial agreement is a contract after marriage. The prenup sets out certain terms regarding property, debt and other assets, in the event of divorce. While mainly used to protect an individual’s assets acquired prior to the marriage, other things can be contracted. This includes how property acquired after the marriage is handled in the event of divorce. Call our Tulsa prenuptial agreements attorney for more information regarding prenuptial agreements. The important… Read More