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Tulsa Divorce Attorneys Blog

Which Parent Has Custody If The Parents Are Unwed in Oklahoma

Who gets custody if the parents are unwed is decided by filing a paternity case. In Oklahoma, when parents are unwed and have not established legal paternity or custody through a court order or other legal means, the default legal custody arrangement typically grants sole custody to the mother. The court order must be signed by a District Court judge in the county where the child resides. This means that, without this adjudication of paternity, the mother typically has both physical and legal custody of the child…. Read More

Exploring Grandparent Adoption Rights in Oklahoma: Process Considerations

Oklahoma Grandparent Adoption Rights exist and the family law courts place children with their grandparents when its appropriate. In Oklahoma, the concept of family extends beyond the traditional nuclear unit, recognizing the vital role that grandparents often play in the upbringing and care of their grandchildren. This recognition of changing family roles is witnessed by many grandparents who currently provide for their grandchildren. In certain circumstances, grandparents may seek to formalize their relationship. They usually do this by filing for emergency custody, guardianship and in other cases… Read More

The Role of Discovery in Family Law

What is the role of discovery in family law? Divorce and child custody can be a challenging and emotionally charged process. Understanding the legal procedures involved is crucial for a smoother resolution. One essential phase in a divorce or custody case is the discovery process. Below we’ll delve into divorce discovery procedure in Oklahoma, helping shed light on its significance and the key steps in it. What is the Discovery Process? The discovery process in family law including divorce and child custody is to uncover relevant information… Read More

Oklahoma Common Law Marriage and Divorce

Oklahoma Common Law Marriage and Divorce can be a complex question faced by many couples in Tulsa. Oklahoma is a state that recognizes common law marriage.  You may be wondering why it is important to know if you are in a common law marriage or not.  Well, if you are in one then you must legally file for a divorce through the courts if you are separating.  This is because no such thing as common law divorce in Tulsa exists.  When it come to the common law… Read More